Wednesday, February 27, 2008

blog is now unblocked at school :):):)

Kudos to Richard, Dylan, and Devon for sending me questions to ask the students here in Costa Rica and researching my last questions.

Dylan and Devon you were right Dr. Leon is an advisor to the President of Costa Rica (more about that in assignments).

I have had a very interesting time in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. Toyota has supplied us with not only guides from the U.S. but also two Costa Ricans. One is Isabel Salas who has degrees in biology and is a naturalist. She explains all the ecology and biology to us. She knows everything!! The other is Julio Fernandez who has degrees in history. He tells us all about the history of Costa Rica, from the early people who were here to the present day. I am totally captivated by all they are telling us. Everywhere we go there are things to see and learn and the people here are awesome.

One of the most interesting things we did today was visit the American Embassy. I have never been to an Embassy. We learned about the foreign service and all the ways they help American citizens and the role they play in helping the diplomat process between the two countries.

But enough of that.....back to the science part.

1. I still need questions to ask the secondary students. ANYTHING you would want to know. They speak English and I will be able to converse with them.

2. I also need questions in espanol to ask the primary students. There are several spanish speaking people with us but it would be great for all of you spanish speaking students to think of some "simple" questions I could ask them.

3. And since you are all learning basic environmental science while I am gone here's another something you can research. Dr. Leon is an advisor to President Arias. The President outlined an initiative last year that he called the Paz con La Naturaleza (IPN) or "Peace with Nature." Google and tell me a FEW basic ideas surrounding this initiative. What is it about?

4. What does C-neutral or carbon-neutral mean?

5. P.S. I am giving points to those that contribute to blog :):):).

Ok, that's enough for today. Although I have a million things I could write you about :):):)Tomorrow we are traveling to the Earth University. I will check for responses tomorrow.

Thanks for keeping the frogs and echo fed.

Miss you!!!! Mrs. K


Ms. J said...

Hi Mrs. K! It is unblocked. I am going into your classes today to let them know!

Unknown said...

I have a question for the secondary students, Mrs. K. (I don't know enough spanish to ask the primary anything except "how are you?")

What is the most popular course work there? Is there a program that is always in demand?

As for Peace With Nature, the only article I can find here at school makes it sound like it prevents deforestation.

Kaitlin Roper said...

Hey Mrs. K hope all is well! We have a lot of work here!!!!!

My questions:
What classes do they have there?

Where do they shop? Do they have dress code at school?

Do they have a Tiffany's down there?

Are they going to teach you how to surf?

Are the boys cute there?

shari! said...

Hey Mrs. K! i miss youuuuu!
since Devon already answered the question on the doctor and got it right, and since all of the websites are in spanish, i figured i wouldn't answer it. =)

1. I want to know how the students there came upon their decisions to be active in Costa Rica. What made them decide to travel to Earth University to continue their studies? And what are their majors?

2. ... i don't know anything in spanish except "puedo ir al bano?" which is "may i go to the bathroom?" =)

3. So, I'm sitting in class, and I looked at this question, and I googled it, and honestly, EVERY website came up all in spanish. and since i have to do allllllll of the many pages of work you gave us while you're gone, i'll spend some more time at home looking up answers, and i'll get back to you =)

4. Carbon Neutral is a state that refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset.

I hope you're have fun Mrs. K! we all miss you so much, and we're actually, for the most part, doing and completing all of our work in class, working cooperatively, and "feeling the Environmental Science love." you would be so proud of all of us! Take tons of pictures, and come back with some very good stories to tell us! let us know how our florida scrapbook is working out! I hope you're telling the students tons of good things about us and our class!
See you in a week!

Richard Livingstone said...

Mrs. K - I apologize for my hasty response and have no been dircted to your school website on an article regarding Discovery of Genes. I am not informed (through Devon and this website) that Dr. Pedro Leon is of the University of Costa Rica in San Jose. He is a tropical biologist by training, and has studided a large extended family in the town of Cartago, Costa Rica that has an unususal affliction to set againsts its blessings. I belive my original questions posted should suffice as i speak no spanish to offer assistance.

3. Although the majority of the publications regarding the IPN are in spanish, i did find a website posted by Amigos of Costa Rica (platforma Estrategica de CRUSA en Washington) from the CRUSA foundation in Costa Rica that updates American audiences on the Peace with Nature Initiative: both before and after the implmentation however it provided no details on the event itself. It does state however that it has been a collborative effort from the PResidents Office, Government Council, Minister of Foreign Affaris, the Environment and Energy, Culture, Education and National Tourism Board of Costa Rica

4. Carbon-neutral refers to the state of having neutral (meaning zero) total carbon relase in the atmosphere brough about by balancing the amount of carbon relseased with the amount sequestered or offset. Costa rcia aims to be fully carbon neutral before 2030. In 2004, 46.7% of Costa Rica's primary energy cam from renewable resources while 94% of its electricty was generated from hydroelectric power, wind farms, and geothermal energy in 2006. In 2007 the Vatican City became the first carbon neutral state in the world, following the politics of the Pope to eliminate global warming.

5. P.S. i hope compensation is made for those who posted in a timely manner (Devon and I) wink wink, nudge nudge.


Have fun!

Nick L said...

Mrs. K, I hope you are having the time of your life down in Costa Rica! However, We miss you a lot, and hope that there is an end to all this WORK!! However, I did have a chance to do answer these questions in my spare time:

1. the Paz con La Naturaleza (IPN) or "Peace with Nature."
“It will guarantee absolute protection for primary forests so that not a single tree there is cut; absolute protection for the aquifers and the rivers; absolute protection for the coral ecosystems, for the mangroves and the wetlands; absolute protection of wild fauna and flora. We will create legal mechanisms so that deforested areas will be reforested with native species and to make clear that we will not be an oil enclave or land of open pit mining.” - President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Dr. Abel Pacheco of the Espriella

2. What does C-neutral or carbon-neutral mean? It refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset. Certain businesses, such as hotels and travel companies - could volunteer to be C-neutral certified by the government. This means that a company will pay for all global warming emissions released and the money will go into a fund that will be invested in reforestation and avoided deforestation programs.

I have a question for the primary students, because my spanish is a little rusty. However, Why did the students get invovled with the program? What is their favortie part of the whole program?

contee said...

Hey Mrs. K, it's Alex Morgan, Erin Conte, Jordan Brammer, Kevin Seisel, John Crutcley (spanish mainly from him and Alex and Amy and Erin), and Amy Davis the coolest. We're glad the site is unblocked.

Are you still sick? Are you feeling better?? How is the scenery and weather? Kevin wants to know if your satying longer?? haha

What do most of the kids want to major in?? And what college do they want to go to, if any at all?

What are some of their favorite foods??

Que bebidas te gustan beber? (What do you like to drink?)

Que clase de musica te gusta escuchar? (What kind of music do you listen to?)

Alguna vez has viejado a los estados unidos? (Have you traveled to the U.S?)

Tienes trabajo? (do you work?)

Veronika Stratford said...

Hi Mrs.K!

My questions for the secondary students are:
What are their favorite pastimes?
What kinds of music do they like to listen to?

I don't have any questions for the primary students as I don't remember any Spanish.

Peace With Nature, from what I've gathered, is trying to reduce carbon emissions,increase the amount of forests and push for education on the environment and sustainable development.

Carbon-neutral means that there is no carbon being released.

I hope you are having fun and we miss you!

billyschorn said...

hi mrsk this is billy from per1 my questions are qué es su deporte favorito which is what is your favorite sport? and my other question is do they text down there.Carbon-neutral means that there is no carbon being released.

devon holder said...

Questions in espanol to ask the primary students:
Que haces en tu tiempo liberal? (What do you do in your spare time?)
Que te gusta comer? (What do you like to eat?)
I had to translate this from an all-spanish website: “Paz con la Naturaleza” designates a team of more than 20 people selected by President Arias that are experts in many different areas, an executive secretary, and more than 10 sub-commissions for aspects such as climate change, protected areas, and financing. Its goal is to work with Costa Rican society to help protect the environment. It addresses things like gold mining and prospecting, and exploiting petroleum.
C-neutral can refer to the practice of balancing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels with renewable energy that creates a similar amount of useful energy, so that the carbon emissions are compensated, or alternatively using only renewable energies that don't produce any carbon dioxide. It can also describe the practice, criticized by some, of carbon offsetting by paying others to remove or sequester 100% of the carbon dioxide emitted from the atmosphere – for example by planting trees– or by funding carbon projects that should lead to the prevention of future greenhouse gas emissions, or by buying carbon credits to remove (or 'retire') them through carbon trading.

dylan egg said...

The Peace With Nature initiative is the plan of the Costa Rican government to make Costa Rica a more evironmentally friendly country by planting more trees.

Similarly to the initiantive, Carbon neutral refers to a state where the amount of carbon released by burning fossil fuels equals the amount of carbon used by trees for example.

zack said...

Hey Mrs. K

I have two things: one for you and one for the English speaking students.

For you I looked up the definition of carbon neutral. It means to balance the output of carbon with the intake of carbon.

I would like you to ask your students a few questions for me as well. I figure the know the area pretty well so they would be good to ask vacation questions. Where are the best places to visit? Anything I should stay away from?

Thanks Mrs. K
Be safe on the zip lines.

Zack Smaridge

Kelly MacManus said...

Hey Ms. K,
Some spanish questions would be
"Que es tu nombre?(what is your name?) and
"Te gustas estudiar cientifica?" (Do you like to study science?):)
The IPN made a proposal to assist actions related to climate change in Costa Rica.
C-neutral is emitting no CO2 into the atmosphere and absorbing CO2 so it is not emitted.

Katie Marshall said...

okay well this is kinda difficult to find new information because so many people have already posted. But I will try...

1.I posted some questions for the secondary students in my last post so hopefully you can use those...

2. Que color es tu favorito? (what is your favorite color)

Que es tu programo de television favorito? (I think thats how you say what is your favorite television program?)

yea... i'm in spanish national honor society and I don't remember much spanish... lol! sorry!

3. It seems that the Peace for Nature Initiative was started by the Costa Rican President (Dr. Abel Pacheco de la Espriella) in 2002 upon his inauguration. He spoke of it in his inauguration speech and wanted to keep Costa Rica free of oil exploration and free of open pit mining. He wants to transform Costa Rica into an ecological power. It seems like this country is so green! I bet you love it there ms K!!!

4. Other people have posted a lot about carbon neutrality so I'm not going to repeat what they said... but I did learn that this term can also relate to greenhouse gases, but most of the time it has to do with Carbon Dioxide. Also there were 2 ways that can refer to carbon neutrality. First, it can refer to the practice of balancing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, with renewable energy that creates a similar amount of useful energy, so that the carbon emissions are compensated, or alternatively using only renewable energies that don't produce any carbon dioxide. It can also be used to describe the practice, criticized by some, of carbon offsetting, by paying others to remove or sequester 100% of the carbon dioxide emitted from the atmosphere.

Alright thats all for this one... hope you are having a great time!

Anonymous said...

Pedro Leon was born in Cuba. He graduated from the University of Havana College of Dentistry in 1990. He also is married and has two kids. What a family man!

I would ask the students what their typically meal is at school.
Also Do these kids have malls and movies theatres?

The work load is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

The preservation and restoration of the rain forest represents a Universal Declaration of Peace with Nature marking the beginning of a new era of life on earth where human civilization is patterned upon the eternal guiding principles of natural law, and the diversity of life is governed, without prejudice, from the unity and oneness of Nature.
Becoming ‘carbon neutral’ means that you have neutralized the effect of your personal greenhouse gas emissions, so that your personal and household activities no longer contribute to the dangers of global warming.

Love Holly

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't received my emails...
I believe Dr. Pedro worked out a statistical analysis pertaining to a strain of tuberculosis.

Carbon neutral means a lack of carbon release.

Ask the students how often they read or watch the news.

Peace with nature supports the protection of biodiversity and international work on the issue of global warming.

You may see a basilisk lizard-the males have a skin crest all the way to their tails, and they can run across water. (I don't know how to post a picture at blog?)

Biogas is methane generated from human and animal waste.

March 3, 2008 3:49 PM

atuck said...

Hello again,
1. Are they feeling the bio love? Have you told them how wonderful your bio class is? =)
3. "Peace with Nature" is to perserve wildlife-trees, rivers,flora and fauna. Basically to protect wildlife so the ecosytstem isn't out of wack.
4. Carbon neutral is when there is zero carbon released.


jolynne said...

Hey Mrs. K
carbon neutral refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset.
My question for the secondary students is what do they do on the weekends, do they have movie theaters there? Are the movies in english? Can you only go if you understand english?


Kevin Siesel said...

all of the aticles on google i found were in spnish but i believe that the peace and nature is to prevent people destoying nature and conserving wildlife.

c neutral is the goal costa rica has to be co2 free in the atmosphere. Maybe we should try it!

Unknown said...


I can ask you questions in english, but unfortunatly I took French instead of spanish. I don't think that'll get you very far.
Do they take advantage of the lower drinking age over there?
Kevin wants to know too.

The Peace with Nature thing has to do with promoting energy and forestry conservation as well as education. Costa Rica begun to protect, manage, restore and re-plant their forests, along with instituting loans, tax credits and direct grants to small landowners.Costa Rica has also adopted a carbon tax, and tax on environmental services. There's also been a huge strive for education in the biodiversity, energy, and climate change area.

Carbon neutral is when there is no carbon release. This comes about by balancing the amount of Carbon released with the amount of offset.

I hope you're having a good time down there. Don't come back with any diseases or missing limbs.

-Amanda Darcangelo

Megan Fisher said...

More questions for the students…..Is the food good there? And what is the weather like? What are different activities they do outside of school? Movies or malls or other fun places? And like Roper…are there cute boys? If so…tell them Megan says HEYYY!

Carbon Neutral is a state that refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset.

Hoda said...

1.The main objective of the Initiative Peace with Nature (IPN), signed by President Oscar Arias on December 7, 2006, by decree, is a national and global initiative that seeks to convene all countries of the world to strengthen their actions and policies Public and assume a greater commitment to reverse, through a joint effort, trends in environmental degradation caused by the impact of human actions on the quality of life of people and ecosystems that give life to the world.

2.Carbon neutral means that you have neutralized the effect of your personal greenhouse gas emissions, so that your personal and household activities no longer contribute to the dangers of global warming.

Hope Costa Rica is as awesome as Florida.=]

Unknown said...

1. What is their favorite food?
2. ¿Cuántas horas por día usted duerme?
3. Peace with Nature basically protects forests in Costa Rica is what I have found.
4. Carbon Neutral refers to the state of having neutral (meaning zero) total carbon relase in the atmosphere brough about by balancing the amount of carbon relseased with the amount sequestered or offset.

jessica anthony said...

We (Ashleigh Ostermann, Lindsey Dougherty, Jamie Lebohner, Jessica Anthony Jamie Bracic)Couldn't create our own account through school and Jessica A. already had an account so we collaborated during class. Even though We're a little late ...

In November, the Working Group convened its final conference call for 2007, focusing on Costa Rica’s Peace with Nature Initiative. Dr. Dan Janzen, appointed
by President Arias to the Peace With Nature Commission, and Dr. Pedro Leon, Executive Director
of the Commission, joined funders to discuss this initiative and its significance for protecting biological diversity in Costa Rica and around the world.

Basically, Dr. Pedro has helped in efforts to protect biological diversity in Costa Rica (:

yay him!

jessica anthony said...

From-(Ashleigh Ostermann, Lindsey Dougherty, Jamie Lebohner, Jessica Anthony Jamie Bracic).

**carbon neutral involves calculating your total climate-damaging carbon emissions, reducing them where possible, and then balancing your remaining emissions, often by purchasing a carbon offset.**

whitney j said...

Peace With Nature is trying to reduce carbon emissions and will increase the amount of forests. It is also trying to push for education on the sustainable development and environment.

Carbon Neutral is when there carbon is not being realeased because the output of carbon is balanced with the input

Chelsea M said...

How big our their classroom sizes?
What do mos students want to do when they get older?
What sports do they play?

John Crutchley said...

erin conte sent in my spanish questions in my name on one of her blogs

1. Carbon Neutral is a state that refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset. In Costa Rica, some companies can volunteer to be carbon neutral and the government will actually fund these companies for reducing global warming!

Unbelievable21 said...

1. What are the major languages taught at most schools?

2. I don't know hardly any spanish (despite taking two years!).

3. Paz con La Naturaleza's goal is that the entire planet combat environmental damage.

4. To be carbon-neutral is to have a balanced amount of carbon released and amount sequestered.

jordan said...

4. Being carbon neutral, or carbon neutrality, refers to neutral (meaning zero) total carbon release, brought about by balancing the amount of carbon released with the amount sequestered or offset.