Hi everyone.
I have arrived in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica.
To say the least it's pretty cool.
We will be meeting with a Dr. Pedro Leon later. He is going to talk to us about some of the research he does. I believe some of it is related to using DNA fingerprinting of a sample population of Costa Ricans do determine where their ancestors originally immigated from.
Anyway I have 2 assignments for you.
1. Google Dr. Pedro Leon and tell me something you learned about what he researches.
2. In the next few days we will be traveling to the Earth University. I'm going to be visiting a local high school and talking to students there. Send me questions that you would like me to ask them. Something you would be interested in knowing. It can be as simple as do you use cell phones? Or it can be something you want to know about their country or their plans. Anything.
I miss all of you. I'm taking lots of pictures and will try to attach some of them during my next login (fortuanately for me there are lots of computer literate people because you know I'm going to need help :):):):):).
Stay focused....and do all your assignments - especially you SENIORS!!!!! :):):):)
miss ya
mrs k
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
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Well Mrs. K, it seems there is a problem! It depends on which Dr. Pedro Leon you want. Thus far i have a Dental Hygienist from Miami but some how I doubt that is who you are talking about. It seems there is some information on the Dr. you have in question however I am literate in English and French only, not so much Spanish. Let me know what you propose! I am glad to see you are on your feet and your travel went well. Get away from your cold and enjoy yourself. As far as any questions I would like to ask. How does their post secondary education compare to ours? In the United States there is such a drive for students to attend college, is the same their, and if so (where do they plan on attending after graduation)? Also our generation (high school students) seems to be very driven in creating an eco friendly green economy. How do they feel about “going green”? Look forward the answer! Thanks again!
Hi Mrs. K- Hope you're having a great time and feeling better :)
Your blog is still blocked at school. Mr. Heath, Mr. Weller, and myself are working on it. It is accessible from anywhere else! I will give your students the heads up that assignments are coming their way!
As for Ecko- A student of yours though there were crickets for our little friend but after extensive searches, none seen nor heard. I can buy some if needed. How ofetn does he eat?
Hope you're having a blast! Get all details for other trips! I didn't get NOAA TAS, so looking into all options!
Like richard said, on google he doesn't come up but i did some searching and found him in an article. It says here that he is an EARTH University Board member and is an adviser to the Costa Rican president.
I found that Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is a presidential advisor and scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose.
I would like to know if the high school students have plans on furthering their education (college?) and what types of careers they may be pursuing.
I hope you are enjoying your trip!!! APES is doing good- you left us a ton of work but somehow we are managing to get it done... we're working together a lot =]
I've been grading and recording things for Mr. W during 4th period, and i got almost done typing up those notecards on the computer but then there was a power outage last night and somehow it got erased so i had to start all over today... hopefully i will be able to finish them before you get back... HAVE FUN AND RELAX!!!! =]
Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is a presidential advisor and scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose who is meeting with Mrs K in a few days.
Question: How many of you have been to America? What did you like and dislike? Would you go back?
TOO MUCH WORK MRS K!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mrs.K!! How are you feeling? I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you come back.
I really like the sub we have. He's nice and easy going, not to mention very informative on what to do in college. Although I'm really hating all of the work we have to do. It's getting tedious and making me develop a strong dislike towards this chapter. I think we are doing more work while you are gone than we have done the entire school year!! I just wish it wasn't all a bunch of busy work!
Like Richard said, I wasn't able to find a website that was actually written in English concerning Dr.Pedro Leon. And the only question I would really want to know is what kinds of things do they do for fun?
Hi Mrs. K, I am so sorry this is late(I have been super busy w/ school, track, etc.) and am not sure if it still counts or ever did count but I did look up Dr. Pedro Leon and if this is the right Pedro, he works with the Costa Rican National Centre of High Technology. A question for the students would be, what is it like to live in Costa Rica and if they've been to the U.S., how does it compare?
Hi Ms K! Sorry it took me so long to post... To tell you the truth I forgot about it... anyway, I researched Pedro Leon and he seems to be a genetics researcher. I found an article on uwnews.org that talks about how he contributed to a project that researched whether or not deafness was an inherited disorter. It says in the article that he works for the Center for Research in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Costa Rica. He seems very interesting and informative! I would like to hear about your visit with him =] I would like to ask the costa rican kids what they do for fun. Like what kinds of sports they play. Or if they have ipods. Or even where they go to hang out? I don't know if there is a beach close by or what... alright I'm going to keep up with these now... I'll go do some more of them lol
In case you haven't received my emails...
I believe Dr. Pedro worked out a statistical analysis pertaining to a strain of tuberculosis.
Carbon neutral means a lack of carbon release.
Ask the students how often they read or watch the news.
Peace with nature supports the protection of biodiversity and international work on the issue of global warming.
You may see a basilisk lizard-the males have a skin crest all the way to their tails, and they can run across water. (I don't know how to post a picture at blog?)
Biogas is methane generated from human and animal waste.
Hi Mrs. K! hope your having fun on your trip. I found Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa also. he is a member of the Costa Rican Institutional Committee at the University of Costa Rica.
As for the questions, i would like to know what sports they like to play and what they plan on doing when they grow up.
I also foubd the website saying that Dr. Pedro Leon was a dental hygienist and I doudt thats who youre talking about.http://www.beachdentalcare.com/staff04.php
My question for the students there is:
Does everyone have cars like they do here? What is there main mode of transportation to get to school and work and stuff?
Apparently Dr. Pedro Leon is a very smart man. He's the presidential advisor and a scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose. He has worked on many ginormous projects pertaining to genetics, such as inheriting deafness.
I'd like to know if the kids over there have the steriotype of "American restaurants", just like we have tagged mexican and chinese places.
1. Dr. Pedro Leon contributed to the protection and development of the National Park System. Including research of forest seeds.
Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is a presidential advisor and scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose.
I would like to know if those students are learning the same materials we are here or if it is different. I would also like to know if they have ever been to Florida and if so what they thought of it. Can you order pizza?
hi Mrs. k. sorry I have been so late in commenting, I have been extremely busy, anyhow I was wondering if the students in Costa Rica have a Disney world or Busch Gardens type theme park that they enjoy going to? and do students there have part time jobs to earn money if not..then what do they do to earn money?
And as for Dr. Pedro León Azofeifa, he works in the National Center of High Technology from Costa Rica.
1. Dr. Pedro Leon is a Molecular and Cellular Biologist at the University of Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica.
1. Dr. Pedro Leon is a Molecular and Cellular Biologist at the University of Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica.
2. It might be to late, but are the classes the same as we are required to take in the States? Do they have an english requirement ? If so do they want to teach English as we would want to teach Spanish?
Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is a presidential advisor and scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose. I want to know if the students over there workout at all. Like if any of them do any bodybuilding. Paz con La Naturaleza seems to be about preventing deforestation and global warming. Carbon-neutral is about keeping carbon emissions in check. Im not sure how to post a picture but I found a very interesting mammal that lives in the La Selva Biological Station and it is called a tayra. It is related to minks and otters. It lives in the trees and is of the family Mustelidae. To get biogas excrement is processed and the methane that comes from it is harvested. Banana fibers are used for handicraft and art in baskets, carpets and such. The fiber is also used to make banana paper. Animal feeding is another use for bananas. Bananas which do not meet a certian standard may be incorporated into animal feed. The leaves are used for wrapping food when cooking some dishes. Another use for bananas is intercropping, where the banana trees are used to provide shade for another crop such as coffee or cocoa. And lastly, bananas may be used medicinally. They have a high concentration of B6, vitamin A and potassium so they can be used for the treatment of gastric ulcers, diarrhoea, to aid in digestion and help to reduce stress and anxiety. They are also considered benefitial for cancer prevention and heart diseases. All of these things were found by some creative person who found a use for all the parts of costa ricas major agricultural product. As for a fact on the geology of Costa Rica, there are 112 volcanic formations in Costa Rica. There I contributed
Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is the director of the National center of high technology in Costa Rica. Pedro also leads a great campaign to stimulate the conservation of the enviornment in an integral way.
1. Do they have dreams of pursuing careers in the states?
2. Do they ever look at the United States as having a wierd culture?
3. What is their school situation like?
ashlyn, shane, ben, whitney, paul
Dr. Pedro Leon collaborated with Dr. King to isolate a gene in Costa Rica that caused newborns a 50% chance of becoming deaf in later years.
How does the technology differ in use? Does everyone walk around with cell phones and have GPS navigation systems in their cars? Or do they not use cars, and prefer to walk (or ride) around?
ashlyn ben shane paul and i all did it together in class today....i hope that was okay! :)
hi mrs k! so i know this is the worst case of procrastination uv probably ever seen sorry but i found out last week after months of issues that iv spontaneousely become lactose intolerant! the new diets and doctors visits left me in no mood to post anyhting but im doin now.
Dr. Pedro Leon Azofeifa is a presidential advisor and scientific researcher at the Centro Nacional de Tecnologia in San Jose. He been involved in many projects including molecular and cellular genetics.
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